
I talk about manifesting an awesome job on my lives often.

And I usually refer people to my love manifestation exercise. I finally decided I would write out my process to manifest a job, to help out my followers.
I have so many beliefs and ideas about money that I can’t list them all here, but I do believe that everyone can be rich and successful if they believe it and decide to become it. The law of attraction is the law of expectation. The trick, the trick is unwavering belief that you will find what you are looking for. And then you look for it. I find the craziest stuff at thrift stores when I expect to find it. And it works with jobs too.

You also need to be a little uncomfortable and dissatisfied with where you are now.

Do you want more? Then you will have to take some action. If you are too comfortable with the same old, same old, you’ll keep getting it. You have to want more and then seek more.

Before we get into the manifesting aspect, I want to cover a couple of money principles to consider before making your manifestation list.

First, the law of compensation, which says, what you receive in money is in direct proportion to the service you give. So the more people you serve, the more money you make.
Also, in order to advance in your career, Wallace, Wattles says, in The Science of Getting Rich, that you have to fill your present place. You have to do more, go above and beyond your duties and act as if you are already in the position you desire. If you more than fill your place and give the best service you can with your goal in mind, you will advance quickly.

Another quick point about making money is the use of multiplying your time and income through using multiple sources of income. There are three ways of making money.

Trading time for money. Which in some ways we are covering today.

Making investments. – Having money, make money.

And finally, setting up Multiple Sources of Income. Ultimately, you would like to include multiple sources of income to your portfolio, like creating products to sell.

But, let’s start by getting you that awesome job. Now, Napoleon Hill, in Think and Grow Rich, writes a lot about knowing exactly what you want and developing a clear picture of it in your mind. If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. Once you know what you want. You need to fuel it with a burning desire and follow it up with action. You pursue it, you seek what you desire.

Okay! Let’s start manifesting.

Get into a calm, quiet place and get a few pieces of paper or open up a blank document on your computer.
The first step. Consider what it is that you don’t like about your current job or past jobs. What is your dissatisfaction? What do you fear you have to deal with when it comes to work? This is the start of your first list. You can write at the top of your list, “This is what I want to release”. Your list could look like this:

What I Want to Release…
Angry boss
Bad hours
Low pay
Gossipy coworkers
No benefits
No advancement
Too chaotic of an environment
Too far from home

Once you get your dissatisfied list down, you want to start a new list with the opposites of your first list. At the top of this new list write, “I am so happy and grateful for my awesome job”, and then begin adding your opposites to this list.
So it will start to look like this:

I am so happy and grateful for my awesome job!
Supportive boss
Perfect hours
Excellent pay – put in your desired wage here and make it so high that it gets your pulse racing, at least 10x what you are thinking.
Good teammates
Excellent benefits, health, retirement, vacation pay
Room for advancement
Amazing atmosphere
Work close to home or work from home.

After you’ve written your opposites, add at least 30 more things you want your job to be like:
What are you doing?
What skills are you using?
Special perks like bonuses, travel, and a company car.

Now that you have your list, you have to seek to find your ideal workplace.

You have to get out there and find it. In Think and Grow Rich in chapter five on Specialized Knowledge, Napoleon Hill talks about using a silent seller. Creating a resume of sorts that is extraordinary. It should be beautifully organized with a description of the position you would like to fill and a plan of action you would take when filling this position, giving suggestions on how you can help your employer. I highly recommend reading this chapter when preparing to market your services or look for a job.

A well prepared resume and presentation could advance you significantly up the ladder. You can start at a much higher place with a much higher salary. In college, I didn’t do so well on the math placement test and placed in remedial math. Sad and frustrating, it was going to take me an extra 1.5 years to even get to a math class that would count towards college. So I got a tutor and did a crash course in math and studied to retake the math placement exam. Because I spent one night and prepared for it, I jumped past 3 classes and saved a year and a half and a lot of time in boring remedial math classes. The same can happen for work.

If you prepare for the position you desire, study it, study the business, and spend the night researching the company, you might end up jumping a few rungs up the ladder and get into a higher position than starting level, and make more money instantly. Just a little bit of preparation, resourcefulness, and knowledge can go a long way and even remove barriers like the required education or length of experience.

When you see a job that you like, prepare your resume for them and prove to them why you are meant for this job. If you don’t get hired immediately, it’s okay. It’s protection so that you really get into the position that the universe prepares for. You keep looking and pursuing, and you will find it.

Take this survey to find your character strengths.


It’s through the VIA Institute on Character. It puts your strengths and order and helps you identify your signature strengths. It is said that when you use your top four signature strengths every day in your job, your job will feel like a calling. Take the survey today to find your strengths and put them on your awesome job list.

I thought it was really weird. Two days after writing this blog post I was approached out of the blue with a very interesting job offer that uses all of my talents and abilities, and I wasn’t even looking. This works. I’ve seen it work many times with me, my boyfriend, my clients. The trick is believing you will find it and it just sort of comes.

Schedule with me today and I can drop cards for you and we can explore which career directions would be ideal for you.

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