People ask me all the time, Why do I attract the wrong guys? And wonder how to finally manifest true love.
As a professional psychic I deal with a lot of love life cases. I see so many women making the same mistakes with men, and they come to me asking why do I attract the wrong guys? They all want to manifest true love, but keep ending up with men that are bad for them.
The truth is, we attract what we think about and dwell upon. If you are dwelling on the misdeeds of a man, then more of that will come to you.
It is easy to focus on the bad things in our environment because that is what we are experiencing. If you are always affirming about how bad men are, thinking about how bad it is, then you are going to get more of that.
For example, say you have problems with guys not texting you back the way you want. That can turn into an idea that ALL guys never text back. When you meet someone new, and they don’t immediately have your same texting style, they are lumped into the category of ALL guys who don’t text back. He becomes in your mind what you expect of him and he becomes just like the rest who don’t text back. You are so sensitive to this now that all you can spot are bad texters, and in a way are actually looking for that quality. You will get what you expect over and over again and men will line up to not text you back.
We are working with the law of attraction all the time. If you are having a string of bad experiences with men, with the same problems over and over, and are wondering, why do I attract the wrong guys? Then it’s a good chance you have set up a negative vibration and are repelling the good guys. Instead of manifesting true love you are attracting the wrong guys.
If you can change your thoughts you can begin to change what you attract. You can manifest true love, but first you need to get real clear on what true love means to you. A good way to start is by looking at what kind of crap you are attracting, and then affirming the opposite.
There is a great exercise that can answer your question of why you are attracting the wrong guys, and put you on the right track for manifesting true love. This exercise can help you figure out what you really want in a relationship and what you truly value. Once you know what you really want and truly value then you can begin to focus on these qualities with a grateful heart, affirming that the right guy with these qualities are on the way. If you expect the best and are grateful for the best before it comes, then the best will come to you before you know it.
You need two pieces of paper and a nice pen. On the first paper we are going to write down a list of undesirable qualities that you have experienced from all of your previous relationships and experiences with men. This is your chance to really complain, look at it, and let it go. Really look at what you are complaining about, what is making you unhappy. What is being unfulfilled in your life. What is it that you are not getting that you really really want? If you are wondering, why am I attracting the wrong guys, let’s look at the qualities you are attracting. This is an ugly list. Make it as ugly as possible. I call it the ugh list. Like, “ugh, not again.”
Being a woman and talking to other unhappy women, I have created a list of some qualities to get you started.
Dishonest, Unfaithful, Boring, Mean, Argumentative, Distant, Broke, Ungrateful, Unattractive, Never Around, Aggressive, Doesn’t Text, Stingy, Disloyal, Jealous, Greedy, Selfish, Crazy Family, Bad Exes, Disrespectful, Doesn’t Like Kids, Bad Communicator, Homeless, Doesn’t Work, Bad Hygiene, Alcoholic/Addict, Depressed.
After you are done, take a deep breath, and be grateful for the clear vision of what you don’t want.
Now, we are going to flip around our first list, and see the type of person we really want. Take the opposite of what you said on your ugh list and put it here on your YES list. Start this list by writing at the top of it; “I am so happy and grateful NOW that I am with a man who is…
Some opposites from my initial Ugh list would be….
Honest, Faithful, Interesting, Sweet, Kind, Present, Wealthy. Grateful, Attractive, Always Here, Calm, Likes to Text, Generous, Loyal, Trusting, Giving, Altruistic, Loves Kids, Drama-free, Respectful, Values Family, Great Communicator, Has Their Finances in Order, Responsible, Clean, Sober, Happy.
That is a much better list. Your new list should naturally be in line with your values, and should reveal to you what matters to you in a real relationship. It represents the key things that you are yearning for in a relationship. This is the start of manifesting true love. The start is figuring out what it is that you really want. Sometimes we have to figure out what we really want by figuring out what we don’t want. As you write down each concept, imagine yourself being bathed in it. If you write down you want him to be a great communicator, visualize being loved and listened to and having long passionate conversations. If you wrote down you want him to love kids, visualize you and “him” in that scenario. Bathe yourself in ideas of love and acceptance from the one who is coming towards you even now.
After you are done finding out what you truly value, take your first list and get rid of it. Tear it up, flush it, burn it. It’s not for you anymore.
Next, choose the top 5-10 qualities from your second list that matter to you and write out and create an affirmation. It should go something like this: I am so happy and grateful now that I am in a committed relationship with a man who is honest, faithful, respectful and who values my family. He is a great communicator, has his finances in order, and shows that he loves me everyday. Your affirmation can be as long or as short as you like. Write it out everyday imagining that this person is in your presence. Don’t try to force these qualities on someone else. Just be grateful and confident that you are going to be treated so well in the future.
These are the first few steps to take when you want to stop attracting the wrong guys and begin to manifest true love. Subscribe to my blog to learn of the next steps that you can take to make your ideal love life your own.
Reach out to contact me personally.