I thought it would be funny to share my own tribulations. We all go through it sometimes. So I need my own inspiration and guidance, actually I would take some from some of you out there if you got any! I am trying to sell/buy a car to save money on gas and it has just been one thing after another not going my way during this process. People dropping out of buying my car, and potential cars that I am supposed to buy being delayed for one reason or another. Mercury retrograde? I’m borrowing a car for now. So I go to buy a car today. Sounded so good. I’m thinking this is it! Finally! I get it and drive it home. The smell inside of this car was overwhelming and unbearable. Seriously people, rank. Stuck in an hour and half of bumper to bumper traffic in 107 degree heat. I am taking it back tonight, sadly I have to drive it for another half hour, I think I am going to bust out the industrial strength febreeze. So my inspiration because what good is being psychic if you don’t get to read yourself, maybe someone can relate, my cards, the devil, I’m stuck for now, but victory is coming soon 6 of wands, with a different car page of cups. It’s been a long journey, the moon, but I can stick with it, the queen of wands, but I will get a great car soon, the world. Okay, so I got that on the second shuffle. The first batch of cards started with some nasty swords and the tower, we’ll just sweep that reading under the rug and start fresh. And fresher smelling. Thank god for showers.