In honor of the fourth of July, I decided to do a full length reading about our independence. It is a day of celebrating independence after all, not only can we celebrate America’s birthday, but what about ourselves and what we have overcome in our lives. For many of us it has been a rough past year or even years. Ever since 911 it the world just seems different. I believe that our lives reflect our environment and the environment reflects our lives and if that is the case there is a lot of struggle out there. Today in my prayers, where I normally am grateful for what I have, I just had a flash on how many people are suffering right now. People who are close to me even. It’s not that I am fortunate for my my blessings and my problems seem like nothing compared to many I know, it was just a feeling of what can I do today? I can pray, I know how to do that. And I can cook, and I can enjoy my family, and I can share my insights. Perhaps this idea of independence that inspired me to read today relates to independence from our struggles. What lifts us out of our misery? I know gratitude helps, but also the love of others and lifting each other up.
Let’s get started.
First what is represented is a walking away from our sources of distress, let’s take you out of that space right now. Put all of your worries aside, there is always time to worry, but we don’t need to, not right now. We are walking away from what keeps us oppressed. I see many troubles, it could be one person with a whole heap of stuff going on, or a conglomeration of all of our bindings together, mine included! Hey! I don’t have a car right now, but you know what? I have a ride, so I don’t have to worry, I can leave that behind. Isn’t it funny that the man in the card is on foot. Kinda like me. What is surrounding us is the heat of Summer! The new season, everything heats up. While it’s down time for many, it’s also a time for getting revved up. I was reading the other day that a good way to use the Summer is to look at your progress from the last year and do your forecasting and budgeting and planning. So much is done at the end of the year when it’s crunch time, why not use this time to do the same. Make plans to revisit your goals for the year and put some of them back into motion. And look at your progress from last year. Where are you at, what can you do within the next month to get you further down the road? Don’t waste this time, it is full of energy, walk away from your worries and transfer your energies into what you can do, and how you can start what you have been putting off for ages. Or what seems to be ages at least.
I won’t dwell too much on the past, because we are all aware of what has been going on and it is different for many but the cards are Judgement and the Ace of Pentacles. To me that means making final decisions that have a direct impact on finances. New opportunities have shown up to aid in moving us forward on our path of life. I see these opportunities being more in the materialistic world. New jobs, new clothes, new cars, new budgets, new goals about our real lives and what we are really doing right now, not what we fantasize about. Real work is being done. Good job!
I, by the way, got a new deck of cards, The Illuminati, my are they gorgeous, I am breaking them in right now and this is my first in depth public reading with them. They are very encouraging and lovely.
The Hierophant, conformity to the norm has been showing up a bunch, in my readings and even in the last reading I did. Again the theme of paying attention to what is going on on around you and following suit will get you the down the road more distance and more quickly, and more easily. I see the foundation of our independence is not walking away from each other, but banding together and growing together. Not necessarily relying on each other, or leaning all over each other, just working shoulder to shoulder with each other, learning from each other, and enjoying the time that we have with each other. The community nourishes our souls and fills us up with inspiration. Now is not the time of the Hermit, we don’t get ahead by stepping on each other like a mob either, everyone gets in line and there will be plenty of success for everyone to share.
The goal is to be on top of it all. Have a firm grasp of everything we want to take care of and be in control of our lives. Not necessarily in control of others, but to be leaders that is born out of our action. This is possible, but there are steps to accomplish this.
Do not slip into disappointment in the coming weeks, things are rolling along at what seems to be a slower pace, but once you look back it will all seem so fast. What you were hoping for, the big bang is not going to seem so big once it’s done, but it will be a huge accomplishment in the long run. You are making steps toward your future and building a foundation and the main blocks are being put into place. They may seem small, but in actuality, they are huge and crucial for you to move forward with any sort of momentum. And momentum you will gain. And BAM – here comes the Chariot, look out here we come, full speed ahead focused in our desires that push us more towards things that lift us up and not push us down. Yes! Make goals and you will succeed. Go! Go! Go!
Uh oh, maybe things start moving a little too fast in a couple of months and that harmony with each other gets a little screwed up. Don’t forget to listen and work together, harmony folks not discord, discord keeps us down, you don’t want to be down while you are galloping forward. Be that encouragement to others with proof of your success appearing before their very eyes. Don’t flaunt it, just encourage.
Ah love. Isn’t it nice to take a trip down lovers lane. I saw this in the last reading too, love doesn’t take a back seat, it just isn’t so desperate, it’s just happily sitting there. Keep harmony and remember love works great when two independent individuals come together to work as one unit. Independence is key. If you go your way, you won’t be leaving anyone behind or walking out of anyone’s life, there are no worries. You will just be more attractive as your motivation picks up and you focus on your dreams. Being in the midst of your creativity is very sexy, it’s okay to have your day in the sun. Take it and be loved for it. There are no fears to be had in love at this time. However, sometimes when things are going well, we are so used to having some drama that we will use love as an excuse to freak out. Just don’t. Just focus on being the best you.
And finally this independence that I see is motivated hard work. And is enjoyed hard work. Interesting as you gain momentum you will find that any fatigue will slip away. That is very encouraging to me.
I see the main idea is direction, and heading in the right way. And as we all grow within ourselves, we will all grow together. It’s not selfish, it’s not lonely, it’s not greedy. We are coming into a time of motivation followed by steady momentum. Very exciting Summer! Now get going!
Happy Independence Day, and if you have pets I hope the fireworks don’t freak them out so much. I heard, if you are out enjoying the displays, put on gentle music for them to keep them calm through all of the booms, rattles and crackles.
Be safe and don’t drink and drive!