My purpose here is to show you how to become successful in life in all areas and enjoy fantastic riches.
But first I want to share with you a bit of my story. I don’t come from a particularly glamorous background. Raised by a single Mom, in what we used to lovingly call the “armpit” of Los Angeles. I was super cool, and graduated high school early with a proficiency certificate. It was a glorified High School Dropout hall pass. My last semester of High School, I got straight F’s. I am so serious. I certainly didn’t know how to become successful.
It was at 16 when I graduated, smoking pot, a rebel, my mother disagreed with everything I did, and looking back – I was really privileged in a public school sort of way, but really, I did throw it all away.
I can respect now my teachers, and I try to live without regrets.
There were all kinds of kids in my High School, from very poor to very rich. I fell somewhere in the middle to pretty f’n poor range.
So, I asked myself why are so many kids poor, and only the chosen few who are rich?
I wanted to hang with the rich kids, and I did, but I never felt like one of them, and I never really was. Because I was always told that we must try to act rich, to pretend, which is great advice, but when your a kid, you are learning to pretend that you are someone who you could never be.
To the Rich Kid: If you were the rich kid growing up, I apologize for calling you out. It’s not your fault you grew up rich.
So this poor kid left her la Dee da high school in LA – and what did I do? I went off and became a professional psychic. That may seem like an odd jump, but it was more of a logical progression.
See, when I was a kid, every spring time, my family, who were then actors, would join a fair, and we would run the game booths. Hard child labor for sure, but I learned many valuable skills like how to throw an axe. On my breaks I would go hang out with the gypsies, they mystified me and I learned a lot in that tent.
I was primed as a child to be what is called a “carnie” a carnival worker.
The money is good, “lot’s of cash”, that in the end is blown very quickly. My folks blew their cash on coke – and in hindsight, can I really blame them? It was the 80’s. This is not how to be successful.
Our world, and what we know and how we perceive ourselves, is built up within us over many years, but mainly in childhood.
There isn’t any wonder why I quit high school to run off to join a band of psychics. I was a carnie, it is in my makeup, so obviously I would attract more of the same. To be honest, being a carnie is pretty gross. Never any running water. When I hit the age of 10 I finally opted to skip the nasty portopottys and long lines and find a nice bush instead. Carnie hack. I told you. Super gross.
Now I am not saying that if you were born poor you stay poor….
It is quite the opposite. Because, I have to say that my story is a wild success story, but it’s not a unique story. There are immigrants from all over the world that come to America, with nothing but a pair of shoes and a last name, that experience wild success. Why?
I promise you, their success was not based on luck, it happened because they had a vision, and a plan. They knew how to be successful.
I’m going to reveal to you a proven path to riches that you never even dreamed of and how YOU can become successful.
First things first. You need to get clear with where you are at right now. Like a you are here mark on a map.
You need to ask yourself the right questions, like what is the most money you have ever made in a year? Now, how much money do you want to make? Ok, let’s be honest, is that really A LOT of money? Like Kardashian money? Why not? They are the same as any of us.
Be on the look out for a revealing questionnaire, that exposes what your true potential really is. And I promise you, it’s infinite.
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