“How can I serve others”? Everyone has something going on, how can I be of service right now. Instead of spending hours exploring my world and twisting myself and others into knots, analyzing every single thing, l can look to what is bigger than me and turn my sights onto something that is higher, something that has purpose. There is the gardener and he is tending to a tree that has fruit on it, and at his feet is only one apple. Or the line cook at a convalescent home making minimum wage, slaving in a hot kitchen. He is working hard for so little, so it would seem. But turn it to serving others. What if this tree was say a person. Perhaps a sick person who is dear to you. What if this cook was making someones last meal. His help is so valuable, sure he may get a paycheck, but he leaves behind a memory. The hard work you put in does have value. It’s not always about working begrudgingly so someone else can reap all the rewards, but it’s about giving your life meaning and value. All it is, is a different viewpoint, taking the, it’s all about me perspective, and turning it to, what can I do for you. You may receive a reward for your efforts, but that’s not the point, the point is that your effort is worth so much more than what you get back, it’s about what you give. So much satisfaction comes from giving and serving others and working for a higher purpose. The immediate reward is, it feels good and you find satisfaction, but in the long run, you are actually leaving a legacy. What you leave behind is the solution and not the problem. What’s your next step? xoxo Stina