
I like to do general Tarot readings for the season and here we are again, it’s the beautiful season of Autumn, I love Fall, the weather is so beautiful, the clothes are beautiful (I can break out my cashmere), the trees are beautiful. It’s my favorite time of year.

I saw Summer as being the season to branch out into our communities and start new projects with new people. Maybe not all the rules or goals that we wanted were followed or fulfilled, but I see that new projects have started. Mentors are good, I hope that you have found someone to admire and look up to in the past few months to motivate you. If you haven’t looked up to somebody recently maybe you should look around you and find the admirable traits in others and contemplate how you may incorporate some of those traits into your own lives. It’s a lesson in respect that I hope we did not miss this past season, but it is never too late to admire the greatness in others, we should do it all the time. I am sure all of you are incredible in your own way and I love to hear of your accomplishments and about your a-ha moments from this past season.

This season looks like it is more in the realm of intimate relationships and intimate conversations and communications. Last season we were out in the community and adopting mentors, this season we bring what we have learned back home. Recently I see that new ground has been broken in old relationships and a new light has been shed to spruce up our lives with those that are closest to us, be it family, friends, or our romantic interests. When we start new projects and allow new opportunities into our lives it drives us away from our nearest beloveds, but now that the ball is in motion and the new routines are set in place we are able to once again focus in on our loved ones. Last season our drive was to connect to our communities, this season is to connect to the people who are the closest to us. They are our support system and I see future plans can be made with these individuals that can benefit more than our home lives but also our lives that are outside of the home. Usually they say family and money don’t mix, but sometimes family and business does. If you have ideas that could involve business projects with friends or family now would be a good time to look at your plans more closely and maybe even take some action.

I think there has been much stress in our individual relationships and that stress is going to go back out to sea and very soon we shall see calm enter into our lives and everybody else is going to calm down too. Everybody is getting a handle on their lives and the calm and peace is contagious and will spread throughout our families. I predict that this Autumn is going to be a fairly peaceful one. At the end of the season, in a couple of months, things are going to heat up as we cool down into the Winter season and there will be much movement. Perhaps some of you will even move at that time but now is not the time to worry about that, we should be busy enjoying our peace. This isn’t lazy peace, this is like the peace that comes with a well oiled and maintained machine, everything is working the way it’s supposed to and everyone is carrying their own weight.

All in all I see strong personal relationships, prior goals being met with great success, secure families financially and emotionally and truly excellent communication. We have a lot to learn about each other and from each other. I guess you can say it is nice to share.

For some of you I see there is a longing to bring someone back into your life. It is time to let them go and make peace with yourself and open yourself up to allow new people to come in. You are in a different place now and you don’t have to bring everyone from your past with you. There are new people to meet and new connections to be made. I have this funny feeling that you will come across people who know the same people you do.

Enjoy this beautiful season!
What’s your next step?
Many blessings,

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