There is a communication break down and you are feeling as if you are putting in way more effort than the other person. This can be in a working situation where you have co-workers and you are pulling way more weight than everyone else. Everyone relies on you and you have no one to rely on. It is hard being the go to girl when you have no one to go to. You wish they would hire you an assistant, but you don’t want to replace yourself. You enjoy the problem solving and enjoy being helpful and busy. You meet lots of people and everyone loves you. You love your job, but you’re kinda stressed out, and wished you had more help and more recognition.
It can happen in relationships as well. You feel as if you are putting in more effort than the other. Maybe you are the one who is always initiating conversation, suggesting things to do. It’s hard to get your partner to initiate anything. You feel as if they are starting to distance themselves. It makes you stop and begin thinking about your situation, how can you turn this around, but if you do how can you change and can you change?! All you know is that it makes you stressed out and you would like your partner to initiate more and help out in the relationship, and you wish you had more recognition and attention.
I would say that this is a common problem at this time in history. There are many people that are carrying all of the weight in their situations. I would even dare to say that most have at least one relationship, be it work, relationship, family, friendships, where they feel as if they are carrying more weight. But then I would even dare to say, that we all have at least one, or more than one, relationships or situations where you are definitely carrying even half your weight. We have many relationships where we let other people carry the burden. I think sometimes we can be selfish and not even know it. Does it ever happen when you do something and then later regret it? Like being rude to someone. It comes up in your mind and feels out of place. We don’t even realize that we are being selfish. Sometimes we get confused about which relationships are ones where we are meant to be of service. Where in life do we get to love? Where in life do we get to help? I guarantee those opportunities exist in everything you get to do while you are on this earth.
You have many decisions that you get to make like getting into which relationships, and choosing where you work. You are making these decisions, pledges really, to be selfless. And this is a noble idea, but then you can start to twist it. Are these the people that you want to make that pledge to? Of course we can be selfless in all of our relationships if we are to think of the other person, but in doing so, we must also be honest with ourselves and acknowledge that you have a true purpose and that you must stay on track with that. Everything that you do has to align with getting what you really want. But most people, maybe even you, hey, maybe even me, struggle with knowing what we really want, and wonder why we get the life we get when we want so much more. Hey, there is this whole other world that exists in your life, you are just accustomed to believing in different things. It is your programming. Your subconscious mind draws to itself your ideas that are implanted in it. This is not all bad, because I think we all have our noble abilities. But the programming also determines the level of your wealth and the health of your relationships! So your programming may be saying to you that you are having an unhealthy relationship, that you are putting in so much work and are getting nothing in return. When in fact that is not the case at all, and you haven’t stopped to recognize the good that the other person brings to you and to the relationship. Everyone cares in different ways, and I think we all forget to acknowledge that, or even knows that. If it is a truly abusive relationship and leans that direction, that is another pattern that needs to be broken and is something that you have attracted to yourself and you need to think your way out of that situation and raise your life condition to attract better things. But hey. What about this job. Is there some other way you would like to save the world, is there something that you would like to do but have some crazy idea that you can’t do it. Don’t you know! You can do ANYTHING!