Single Recently? Have hope, MEN ARE EVERYWHERE! This post is for you!

Love and Romance

I am sensing a person, looks like they have just gotten out of a relationship that they thought was a good relationship and are feeling emotionally poor and left out in the cold. It’s a terrible feeling. You are wondering if there was anything to this relationship, and yes it was worth your time and it was very real with feelings returned, but it doesn’t really matter why the relationship ended because you are entering a new chapter in your life, just let the last chapter end without trying to figure out the rest of the story. You are lonely, but a strength is coming over you that is very attractive. I think now would be an interesting time to start dating again because I see men crawling all over the place, and quality men too. One may be a little intense that you will meet over the holidays, but there will be plenty of others. Seriously dating mecca, it’s crazy, I keep pulling cards and they are men men men, tons of them. This will be entertaining and empowering but can also be disappointing too. However, out of this someone special will come from it, take your time and enjoy yourself. Don’t jump into anything serious quite yet. Right now is a good time to listen and learn. You will be meeting lots of people and being a good listener will draw them in plus you will learn a lot about interesting things from very interesting people. It looks like your biggest problem will be that there are too many men! I see financial issues, but they will be in the background. Nothing you can’t handle. Don’t reveal your financial condition so you are not seen as a money grabber. Showing strength and genuine interest is going to prove to be a very powerful aphrodisiac. Things are going to be very different this time around. Have fun and go make lots of friends! If this status reflects what one of your friends is going through, share it but don’t tag them, they will know it’s for them. They don’t have to be lonely. What’s your next step?

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