Shhhh! Blemishes die in their sleep.


Alright, here we go. Emotions are flying!!! Deep breaths, deep breaths. Let it lie and don’t disturb the beast, find peace in the quiet. Or be grateful for the peace and quiet that you have unexpectedly found but just haven’t figured it out yet. It’s time to separate, isolate, and dispose of, and then see how awesome everything that is left is. It’s funny how no matter how beautiful you are, if you get a zit, that’s all you see in the mirror, is the freaking zit. It’s so small, and in the end it’s just a zit, gross right? It goes away, and you have your face back, and just like a crappy day, it passes and then you are good. God I hate zits, but I don’t think about them all the time. So why focus on life’s “zits”….squirrel. I guess what I am saying is don’t hyper focus on something that doesn’t even matter. If there is something you need to do, take care of it and then move on. Anything else, that does not involve an action, is NOTHING. I think it’s a lesson of being in the present. For just this moment, don’t live in the past, don’t live in the future, don’t live in someone else’s present (or future), live within your actions, and make them count. Breathing is an action. 4 of Swords. It’s actually a bit of a death card, but it’s more of a letting go. The person stopped struggling, put down the sword, and drifted away in peace. In essence, died in their sleep. Okay so how did I get from zits, to dying in your sleep. Don’t you just wake up one day and they are gone? Hmmm. What’s your next step? I think mine is going to get some Proactiv. Lol. xoxo Stina

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