
“We’re bigger than we ever dreamed.” – Lorde

If life is bigger than we have ever dreamed….  then think even bigger!  

We are like so freakin divine it would blow your mind, there is no comprehension.  So no matter how wild your fantasy of your ideal life is – you are even bigger and greater than that!

Many things make your world small.

When your perceived problems are all that you consider, then that limits your thoughts and deadens your potential.  

When all you think about is the drama around you, you enhance, give energy to, and continue to give birth to even more drama.  

You attract what you think about.  That’s the “secret” – so when all you think about is drama, who said this, who didn’t do that, or how bad I feel, then you will get more of that in your life.  

If you are coming from a place where your thoughts boil down to – “Why doesn’t he love me, will I have enough money to cover all of my bills, all of my friends are fighting, and I hate all of those people that make my life miserable”…  If that is where your state of mind is, then you will be alone with no money and no friends and surrounded by people you don’t like.

You have attracted your circumstances.  These are your Results. And when you think about how crappy your results are, no matter what you do, things, they just never get better.

No wonder why you don’t think you are very big. 😭

You are not your results.  Your results – crappy everything – or unremarkable everything, is just a product of your thoughts.  

So, what if you changed what you think about?  Do you think that might change your results?

I am reminded of the St. Francis prayer, where he says, “for it is in giving that we receive – “  The idea is, when you focus on loving others, your focus will return love in your life. When you focus on giving, loving, understanding, pardoning… then your life will reflect that goodness in your Results.

A simple change in attitude can begin to shift your results immediately. Usually it’s temporary, but there are ways to make the shift permanent, in a future post I will tell you how.

The bigger secret is, you can harness the laws of the universe, and create whatever you desire, and live the life you always wanted.  ✨🌴

With a simple shift in your perspective you can have a life that is better, and more beautiful… where people are nice, and money is abundant, and you are happy and loved.  

Where you don’t have to walk home limping from a hard days work, or be caught worrying about how you are going to pay the rent.  

Where you never have to worry if you are loved or not.

The question is – what is it that you really want? 🤔

Like my page and stay tuned to find out the one thing you absolutely need to have a better life. 🚀

Do you really believe that you can have a better life?  Comment below.

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